

Today as the cursor is blinking and beckoning my next word, I am slightly overwhelmed by the task at hand. To step into something different. To step into the arena. To step up to the plate and perhaps, get an “out!” Even as I attempt to write on performance, the truth is that I long to please. I long to encourage one lost soul who is struggling. I long to perform well so that Jesus is pleased. But, could it be that Jesus is pleased with me regardless of my performance? In fact, He loves to show me just how perfect is never attainable; therefore, I am in great need of a Savior. The performance treadmill pervades into every area of our lives; and we begin to define ourselves by how much we have accomplished as well as how well we have accomplished it. We push our kids to achieve good grades and to perform well in sports; yet, the most blessed part should just be the process. The process of hard work. The process of showing up. The process of perseverance. The process.

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Welcome! For some time now, I have debated, prayed, and attempted to enumerate all the wonderful reasons NOT to blog. There are so many out there in cyberspace. There are many more gifted writers and communicators; yet, God keeps bringing me back to the place of trusting His purposes.  He continues to beckon me out of my comfort zone; to step out in faith; and to trust that He can use even a broken, sinner such as myself to be a conduit of His grace and mercy. Life is a struggle; and C.S. Lewis reminds us that we were made for another world. Until home, God often allows our props to be derailed to the point of utter dependence on the Only One who can calm the storm and the Only One who can truly rescue us. He often ushers us to the point of collapse.

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